New Power Generation

You are a part of the New Power Generation – the young people who can help us get to Net-Zero by using cleaner energy sources and removing things that pollute the atmosphere.

We’ll get there by being smarter about how we use energy, and only using energy we can replace.

Take our quiz to test your net zero knowledge.

Join the New Power Generation – do your part to be greener and use cleaner energy. Every small change you make at home today, helps us make a world of difference to the planet tomorrow.

What is

Net-Zero is what we call it when there’s a balance between the emissions we put into the atmosphere and the emissions we take out. We can get to Net Zero by reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses we make.

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. They let sunlight through, but they prevent heat from leaving – that’s why we call it ‘global warming’. When heat stays trapped, the Earth heats up.

Did you know?

Common greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, ozone and nitrous oxide.

Test your Net Zero Knowledge

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  • In the first four months of 2020, the UK made 47% of its electricity from renewable sources. That’s 11% better than 2019.
  • The UK wants to achieve Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
  • Transport is the single largest sector responsible for greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, producing more than a quarter (28%) of all emissions. Cars owned by households up and down the country produce the majority of it.
  • Overall, energy supply created 21.7% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emission in 2018.
  • Using electricity in our homes doesn’t emit CO2, but the huge powerplants that create the energy we use do. This is why we need to move to green, renewable ways of making energy.

Test your Net Zero Knowledge

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  • Trees and plants capture greenhouse gases by absorbing carbon dioxide. If we had more forests, that would help reduce the volume of CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • If we planted a forest the size of the USA, we could remove 25% of the world’s CO2 from the atmosphere.
  • An increase in average world temperatures of 1.5 C is enough to:
    • Make 99% of coral reefs extinct as warmer sea temperatures stress the coral, meaning the algae living on it leaves the coral – this process is called coral bleaching.
    • Reduce the amount of crops we can grow, especially in tropical regions because temperatures will be too high to grow as many as we can now.
    • Make extreme weather like hurricanes, floods and heat waves more likely – possibly taking place for one and a half months each year.
    • Melt ice at the Arctic and Antarctic and raise sea levels that increases the risk of flooding.

Test your Net Zero Knowledge

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Agriculture & Food

  • When cows eat grass, that turns into methane. Cutting down on the meat you eat helps to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Tofu, beans, peas and nuts also have much smaller carbon footprints than meat.
  • Buy products with less packaging as this creates less waste. Instead of buying individual cartons of juice, buy one big bottle and recycle it after.

Test your Net Zero Knowledge

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What can you do?

There are lots of small changes you can make to help reduce your carbon footprint. If everyone makes these changes, they can have a huge impact in combatting climate change.

  • Switch off the lights when you leave a room
  • Switch off things like your game console or TV
  • Eat more vegetables and less meat
  • Have a shower instead of a bath
  • Only boil the water you need to make hot drinks
  • Don’t leave your fridge door open
  • Use low energy light bulbs
  • Use extra blankets instead of turning up the heating
  • You could save up to 320 kg of carbon dioxide a year by turning the thermostat down by just one degree
  • Dry clothes outside when you can
  • Print on both sides of a sheet of paper
  • Cycle or walk to school instead of using a car

Test your Net Zero Knowledge

Take our short quiz


Join the New Power Generation – do your part to be greener and use cleaner energy. Every small change you make at home today, helps us make a world of difference to the planet tomorrow.

I make a pledge to…

☑ Turn off all lights & gadgets when I leave a room

☑ Eat at least one vegetarian meal each week

☑ Turn off the tap while I brush my teeth

☑ Take reusable bags on every shopping trip
